The links to the Questionnaires are up and can be
seen HERE (just click
on the photos with the borders, to see what they are up to now).
It is not too late to download
the form and Email electronic pages to Steve Armbrust,
if we do not have one for you.
Ralph sends his sincere thanks to all of you that
came, and the rest of you that were part of making PCEO…………PCEO.
I am sorry to be slow in getting this post reunion wrapup message
out, been catching up on other items. I think I can safely say a good
time was had by all.
We still have a limited number of memory books (very cool) for sale
at 5$ and a few DVD sets for sale for $5.
If you want one of either send an email and I will get the totals
and send you details on the ordering. If anyone did not get what they
think was owed to them, let me know.
We are still looking for a couple of history high points that would
be great to preserve before the tapes turn to dust. If anyone has
access to either of these, PLEASE get back to me or to Steve Kassel.
One video Is the "Nonna Emila Look-a-Like" bet (With Darcelle)
and the other is the "PCED Chinese New Year Celebration"
(sometime around the 1991 timeframe)
Contact us with any questions:
Smith, Coordinator
Armbrust, Coordinator & Receiver of questionnaires
John Beaston, Email List owner
Chesarek, Coordinator
Hansen, Coordinator

many people were really stuffed into that Ford Tarus in Las Vegas?
Last Week's Trivia:
Who was the most missed at
the 20 year reunion last Saturday, who were you most surprised
to see?
You, if you weren’t there!!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing you
next year!!!!
More to come!
More Trivia...
1988 Yearbook online! |