
 Donna Loveland

PCEO Department(s)

Tech Pubs, then Marcom (PR!)

My Years in PCEO

1984 - 87

I’m now living in

Beautiful metro Hillsboro, as ever

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Making up for that little 9-year hiatus at Tektronix.  (At least the statute of limitations on my PCEO crimes has run out.)

Favorite PCEO Memories

Mama Sall & Conzo.

Custom-edited cartoons.

The bottomless coffee pot.

Those rubber band dueling pistols.

Shrink-wrapping lessons in the Outback.

Home videos.  Hey – girls just wanna have fun!

Working on ad copy with the hot shots at Chiat-Day.

Walking through ankle-deep snow in high heels during Boston press tours with Rich and Jim… and knowing it was all worthwhile.

Making Bill Gates bow to our will as we made the final edits on speech remarks for the InBoard 386AT press luncheon at the Tropicana (Comdex ‘87).

Making sure we didn’t waste those open bottles of liquor in the hospitality suite later that night.

Kelly mooning our cab on the way back to the Dunes.

Getting PC Week to cover our Banana Bump shipping news by planting it in “Rumor Central.”

Getting the Spencer F. Katt t-shirt that proved it.

Having legs nice enough to be mistaken for Marion’s in the very non-PC “Whose Body Part Is This?” contest.

If I could do it over again

I’d transfer out of Systems Operations a week earlier and make it into the first PCEO group photo with the rest of the crew at Building G.

Life since PCEO

I’m back at Intel, plus a daughter (Natalie) and minus a husband (Joe), with decades more PR experience.  I’ve come around a very big circle, still doing communications and working with lots of old PCEO friends, this time in Corporate Technology Group and Intel Capital.  I finally took my first sabbatical… last year!  FYI, Vanessa, my PCEO baby, is 18 and is headed to college this fall.


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