
 Greg Lang

PCEO Department(s)

Finance and Marketing

My Years in PCEO


I’m now living in


Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on


Favorite PCEO Memories

Polishing my interpersonal skills and social graces under the guidance of Greg Hayes.

Learning new English slang from Chaling.

Learning the ‘Zen’ of marketing from Rich and how to ‘think bigger’ from JBJ.

Getting deposed after Praegitzer burned down

Learning about branding with the “Connection Coprocessor”.

If I could do it over again

I would do it all the same but stay longer.

Life since PCEO

1993:  A brief stint in ‘Proshare

1994: Returned to the remnants of PCEO in NPD (Network Products Division)

1994-2001: Helped make Intel the King of client side networking.

2001:  Left Intel to run IDT (Integreated Device Technology

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