
Iron John Flint
(aka John Beaston)

PCEO Department(s)

New Opportunity Development (NOD)

My Years in PCEO

Too old to remember

I’m now living in

Aboard ship

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Arrr!  Pirates don’t work overtime, matey.

Favorite PCEO Memories

Sharing a Comdex hotel room with Kelly and surviving.  Investigating the short-sheeting of Bev Kline’s bed.  (The culprits were never found.)  Dancing with Jean McNamara and Linda Dahlman.  The TV list.  Mail bombing Kathy Doherty.  The PCEO/PNCA project.  Bump the Banana.  Process flow.  Summer interns.  14 in a Ford Tarus.   Full moons over Las Vegas.  The World’s Greatest Gift Shop.  Hood-to-Coast.  Barbie and Ken’s disappearance.  Working with someone named Coco.  My cube in the ladies room.  ‘Swimming’ in the corporate pond.  The Batmobile.  Laughter.  All the laughter!

If I could do it over again

It’s the pirate’s life for me!  Booty this and booty that.

Life since PCEO

Investigating alternative lifestyles while working at EasyStreet.

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