
Kelly Sweeney

PCEO Department(s)


My Years in PCEO

About ’88 to ‘92

I’m now living in


Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

My golf game, flying or riding my bike

Favorite PCEO Memories

The sales conference at Mt.Hood, Light the fire.

Sharing rooms with John Beaston at Comdex.

Barbie Dolls and Gerbils…(Big Al’s Strapping Tape TM)

Jeff Ravencraft, while in his cubical acting like he was taking his car into jiffy lube.

Suzie Conley

Sitting across form Al Kinney who shared an office with Elaine Reid.  I would hold up a Fuck’um if they can’t take a joke bumper sticker as Al works tech support calls.  He blew coffee out his nose a couple of times.

Finding my office in the women’s rest room.

Bump the banana on Hall Street.

Experiencing and helping grow a division to a successful margin making group.


If I could do it over again

Choose Lynda Dallman as my room mate at Comdex vs. John Beaston

Life since PCEO

After PECO, work has been mostly at Intel.  RCO, Sales jobs in Retail and Marketing Development organizations and the last 8 or so years in our Influencing sales organizations.  Also spent close to a year stint as the Dir. Of Sales for startup named EasyStreet Online Services in ‘94/’95. Thanks to Rich Bader and John Beaston for that!

Finding I love to ride a pedal road bike…

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