
Lori (Gossett) Allen

PCEO Department(s)

Information Systems Development, Training and Development, Customer Services, Technical Support, Sales Conferences and other Events, RCO

My Years in PCEO



I’m now living in

Hillsboro, OR

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Beading projects or  working in the garden

Favorite PCEO Memories

Meeting Mr. Right (Lew Allen).  He was single!  He's been a great life partner and I still love him dearly. 

I've never experienced more synergy, togetherness, and fun in any organization since PCEO.  It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime work experience that we created together.


If I could do it over again

I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Life since PCEO

Continue working at Intel.  Took a year off with Lew to explore other dimensions of our lives.  It was a great investment. 


Currently managing Organization/Leadership Development and Technical Training for Enterprise Platform Group (EPG) at Intel.


We love boating and spending time with special friends and family.


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