
Mary Browning

PCEO Department(s)

Marketing Communications

My Years in PCEO

1987 to 1992

I’m now living in

Austin, Texas

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Growing exotic hot peppers (only thing I can grow down here successfully) and painting (watercolors).

Favorite PCEO Memories

I think PCEO was a truly remarkable time and place with exceptional people and it’s hard to pick just one.  So the Chicken Hokey Pokey, Steve Kassel’s Version of Swan Lake. TimeBlaster, SatisFAXtion and Tubular Wang and Wipeout Wong…and of course Kelly Sweeney doing Vanna White for my presentations and my entire staff.


If I could do it over again

I’d do the entire thing over, but I’d come sooner have a much bigger squirt gun, I’d trust my instincts more and I’d appreciate the uniqueness of the PCEO experience even more.


Life since PCEO

I’ve been to Comdex more times than I ever thought I would.   I have leveraged many of the things I learned about people and business at PCEO in my current life.


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