
Michael Kinion

PCEO Department(s)

Fax/Modem HW engineering

My Years in PCEO

1987-nineteen ninety something

I’m now living in

Hillsboro, Or

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Coaching my kids baseball/basketball teams or brewing beer

Favorite PCEO Memories

Weekly indoor squirt gun fights, Batman/Robin and the Bat Mobile showing up at a product launch, Ted “Rambo” Forgeron running wildly through the building and working with a great group of people who really had a lot of fun.  


If I could do it over again

If I could do it all over again, I’d change nothing.

Life since PCEO

Married my sweetheart Yolanda who I met while in PCEO (we’re coming up on our 12th anniversary, geez I’m old!). We have two kids, Taylor Marie (9) and Benjamin Michael (5).  Still working at Intel and still trying to figure out the secret of getting to retirement. Trying to balance the task of getting to the gym and staying in shape while not injuring myself too badly.


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