
Steve Sall

PCEO Department(s)

Pubs, Customer Satisfaction, and Marcom

My Years in PCEO

1984-the end

I’m now living in


Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Volunteering at Aloha High or hiking

Favorite PCEO Memories

Bump the Banana

Learning about the difficulties of developing a retail product in a high tech industry


If I could do it over again

I’d do it the same

Life since PCEO

After PCEO, I spent a decade in Intel’s networking group, including three years in the Home Networking Operation. Retired in 2000 and started volunteering, at Aloha High School, with Boy Scouts, and, for one year,
with Hoyt Arboretum.

Raising David, our 15 year old, has been
very enjoyable. His activities keep
Teri and me involved with the
community, and we enjoy seeing
the world through his eyes.


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