
Tracy Petrie

PCEO Department(s)

Software Engineering

My Years in PCEO

1988 – MSA*

I’m now living in

Colorado Springs, CO

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

my Master’s Thesis in Computer Science at UCCS.

Favorite PCEO Memories

·        Chuck Bradford’s business card title (Software Nerdy Guy)

·        Eric’s “Proper use of gender” mail bomb parody; the “gun sale” mail bomb played on Marc Davis (complete with misspellings)

·        Ted Forgeron going “Rambo” for squirt-gun fights

·        Joking about Chuck Brabenac’s mythical ability to whistle fax/modem tones.

·        Email “dictionary” game in the software group (who knew you could get so competitive about definitions!)

·        Skunk awards!

·        Working with the most talented and passionate people I’ve ever had the privilege to be with.

If I could do it over again

I’d have joined MUCH sooner!!!

Life since PCEO

·        Bummed around various Intel groups for a couple of years.

·        Left Intel in 2000 to do charitable work and have some fun.

·        Moved with my wife to Colorado Springs in 2001 (her work).

·        Began a Master’s degree in 2003.

·        Desperately trying to get into a PhD programme in the UK in 2005 (any excuse to move there!)


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