
Wynn Smith

PCEO Department(s)

Technical & Marketing

My Years in PCEO


I’m now living in

Oregon City

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Microsoft Networks

Favorite PCEO Memories

I remember the day Rich Bader asked me to come work for PCEO.  I very much appreciate him for seeing what he saw in me and trying to teach me the "Intel" way.

Anita Johnson took me under her wing and taught me a new way to look at the PC World.  I will always be thankful to her for that.

I remember one day, before I came to PCEO, when Justin Rattner invited me to lunch and Ed Slaughter invited me to send in the plan that described memory with four 16K pages, spread sheet and OS partners, memory management, and independent reps. 

I remember one day, after I left PCEO, when I first heard about USB and how it evolved from the Hunacre project. 

I remember being teased with names like "Wynniwyg", "Wynndows", and "Wyntel".   Frankly, I liked it.


If I could do it over again

I might try asking for recognition on the memory business plan and for the Upstream/Downstream Hunacre concept.

Life since PCEO

Shelly and I celebrated our 22nd anniversary this year.  We have three girls.  Today, I enjoy loading my loose cannon with salted pests and eating Banana Bread.


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