The links to the Questionnaires are up and can be seen HERE
(just click on the photos with the borders,
to see what they are up to now). It is not too late to download
the form and Email electronic pages to Steve Armbrust:,
if we do not have one for you.
It was great to see you all at the reunion. Those that couldn't make
it were missed.
While we're all thinking about PCEO, I'm hoping that someone knows
the whereabouts of the two old photo albums. I lost track of them
years ago. If you've got them or know where they are, I'd love to
get my hands on them. If I do, I'll scan all the pictures in and offer
to make CDs for whoever wants them.
[Click here for photos
from the 2000 Reunion, courtesy of Scott Huskey.]
Contact us with any questions:
Smith, Coordinator
Armbrust, Coordinator & Receiver of questionnaires
Chesarek, Coordinator
Hansen, Coordinator
Smith, Site Questions/Additions
